Sunday, May 24, 2020

Round Taa need to be read as Round Ha with sakin, When? When stopping on Round Taa  , Taa have to read as    Ha Sakin, but if you not stop on 'Round Taa', it have to read as it is Taa

For example, this word  'raw-diatan', has 'round taa' as last letter, no matter if it has, fatha, kasra or damma, if you stop on this, it have to read as 'raw-diah', 'Round Taa' have changed to 'Ha Sakin'. Remember, if you not stop on this, it have to read 'Taa' as it is.

For more clarification listen below ayah

While listening above audio, concentrate on English spelling colored as red and blue, reciter pronouncing red round 'Taa' as 'Taa' because he not stopping on that, but blue round 'Taa' pronouncing as 'Ha Sakin' because he stopping on that.
