Thursday, May 14, 2020

In Arabic vowel signs Kasra, Fatha and Damma are called Harakat which are used for spelling and reading Arabic language easily. In Indo-Pak subcontinent these are called Zair, Zabar and Pesh.

Usage of Harakat
If fatha placed on Arabic letter 'Ba' it will pronounce as 'Baa', if kasra placed under 'Ba' it will pronounce as 'Be', if damma placed on 'Ba' it will pronounce as 'Bu'. Fatha mean vowel 'A', Kasra mean vowel 'E' and 'I' and Damma mean vowel 'U'.

Now see how 'Harakat' looks like in Quran. See & realize carefully in below ayah, how blue harakat creating pronunciations with red letters.

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