How many Madd are there?
By characteristics there are over 10 type of Madd, but by prolongation
Madd is 4 type such as 1, 2 , 3 and 4 Alif.
How long A Madd should prolong?
Letter Alif is used to measure prolongation time. How much time it take to say
Alif is the duration of 1 Alif Madd, In other word 1 alif madd mean
extra 1 second prolongation. So 2 alif mean 2 second, 3 alif mean 3 second and
4 alif Madd mean 4 second prolongation.
Types of Madd
For making easier to understand we will not discuss grammatical rules of Madd
but will show some ways to easily recognize 1, 2, 3 and 4 alif Madd.
How to Recognize 1 Alif Madd?
ي و ا are called letters of Madd. When these letters comes in ayah
like below combinations, you must have to prolong there 1 Alif. These
are called 1 Alif Madd Al Tabaee or Asli. Remember below
combinations carefully 'Empty Alif after Fatha', 'Empty Wow after Damma' and 'Empty Yaa after Kasra' because of in almost every ayah
you may see these combinations. In Indo-Pak Quran 'Wow' and 'Yaa'
contains 'Sakin'
over them.
Now see below, how combinations of 1 alif madd looks in ayah,
wherever you see those combinations you must have to prolong 1 Alif.
Now see same ayah from Saudi Quran below (which is also called
Madina Mushaf) there are no 'Sakin' above 'Yaa' and
'Wow' so it looks like empty yaa after kasra and
empty wow after damma.
Reading example, this
word's normal pronunciation is 'Saudikin', now see red colored,
there are two 1 alif madd, standing fatha and 'Yaa Sakin after Kasra' now it must have to read
with 1 alif Madd as 'Sau-diki-n'.
An Exception of 1 Alif Madd: If
empty alif after fatha has any little circle above it, see
red circle , don't do any madd there, that is called 'Alif Zaida' and
'circle' indicating not to madd here.
How to Recognize 2 Alif Madd Al Ewaj?
If stopping place has double fatha, you must have to do 1 alif madd.
See below word 'hasana',
if you want to stop on this word, recite that as 'hasanaa'. This is called 1 Alif Madd al Ewaj. If you not stop on
double fatha, don't do any madd.
How to Recognize Madd Al Leen?
Letter ى and و are called letters of Leen, when
arji sakin
come for stopping after any one of the below combinations, you have to do 2 or
3 alif madd. This is called Madd al Leen.
Remember if you not stop, there will be no madd. For example see these
2 words below which
has wow sakin and yaa sakin after fatha, now for stopping
on these words blue double kasra have to
replace with imagined arji sakin (click here
to learn what is arji sakin?), so conditions of Madd al Leen will fulfilled, now you
have to read those words with 2/3 alif madd as 'Kurai--sh' and 'Khau--f'. If you not stop, you have to read double kasra as it is like 'kuraishin' and 'khaufin' then continue reading next words.
For more clarification play
below audio which is the 1st ayah of Sura Quraish to realize how reciter doing
Madd Al leen on word 'Quraish'.
Way to Recognize 3 & 4 Alif Madd
When you see this
In below ayah prolong green part 4 alif for red sign,
and prolong black part 3 alif for blue sign. Also
play audio to realize how reciter prolonging 3 and 4 Alif Madd.
What is 3 Alif Madd Al Arji?
Conditions: If
arji sakin
come for stopping after any combinations of 1 alif madd, you have to
increase 1 alif madd to 3 alif then imagine
arji sakin. This is called Madd al Arji.
For example see red part of the below word which is combinations of 1 alif
Now if you want to stop on black letter, you need to
replace blue damma with arji sakin, and increase 1 alif madd (red part)
to 3 alif then imagine arji sakin (replace blue damma with a sakin see
arrow indicated word).
Remember, it only happen if arji sakin come for stopping, if you not
stop, don't increase 1 alif madd to 3 alif, 1 alif should keep as it was.
For more clarification play below ayah and realize how reciter
replacing blue damma with arji sakin and increasing 1 alif madd (red part) to
3 alif.

If You not do any Madd what will happen?
Reading without Madd is called big mistake. It is permissible to
Madd only 1 Alif although there is indication of doing 2, 3 or 4 Alif. But
totally ignoring Madd could fully change meaning, for example, 'Have'
is a word mean 'surely you have', but 'Have?' Same word but
for expression change, meaning is also changed, 'May be you not have it
anymore'! If you leave Madd, meaning will be like this, So never
leave any Madd.