Thursday, June 4, 2020

Gunna mean Nasalization and Nasalization mean sounding from nose. Holding extra 1 second on a specific letter from nose sound without breath out is called 'Gunna' or 'Ghunnah'. For example, say 'In-' and  hold on 'n' extra  1 second from nose which is indicated by dash (-) then say 'na', so what  you have said? 'In-na', this extra 1 second holding on 'n' with nose sound like 'Innna' is called gunna. There are 4 type of gunna such as, Gunna of Wajib, Ikhfa, Idgham and Iqlab. See below example.

For more clarification and understandings listen below audio and concentrate on blue colored letters to realize how reciter doing Gunna.

Learn More
  • What is Wajib Gunna?
  • What is Iqlab?
  • What is Ikhfa?
  • What is Idgham?
