We know, not all letters has conflict with each others. For example
'Seen', 'Sheen', 'Saud', 'Tha' creates similar
pronunciation like 'S' but 'Ba', 'Fa' 'Noon' has
no conflict with others, so you don't have to worry about 'Ba'
'Fa' 'Noon', but have to worry about 'Seen'
'Sheen' 'Saud' 'Geem' 'Jaa' 'Ha' 'Round Ha' etc which conflict each others. So here we only discuss and
show simple ways to avoid mixing of the conflicting letters.
Play below ayah to realize Alif and A'in pronunciation differences. Blue colored
are Alif (Hamza) and red are A'in.
Presence of both 'HA' in above ayah, play to realize the differences.
Red colored are 'HA' & blue are 'Round HA'.
Play above ayah to realize differences between 'Kaaf' and
'Qauf'. Red colored are Kaaf & blue are