Sunday, May 24, 2020

Noon Sakin is one of the frequently appeared tajweed in Quran. Where there is a Noon Sakin there must be a rule, so whenever you see a Noon Sakin slow down your read then see what letter came after it to decide which rule have to apply here. There are 4 rule of reading Noon Sakin 1) Iqlab, 2) Ikhfa, 3) Idgham and 4) Izhar.

1) What is Iqlab?

If letter ب 'Ba' comes after noon sakin  , noon sakin have to pronounce as mim sakin  . This rule is called 'Iqlab'. For example word 'Manbakhila' has 'Ba' after noon sakin, so now it have to pronounce as 'Mammbakhila' with gunna, extra m is indication for gunna.

2) What is Ikhfa?

If below 15 letters comes after noon sakin  , you have to pronounce noon sakin as 'ing-' with gunna.

This  rule  is called  'Ikhfa'  of  noon sakin. For example, word   'aanta'  has ikhfa letter 'taa' after noon sakin, so now you have to pronounce that word as 'aang-ta' with gunna, dash - is indicator for keep saying 'aang-' (slightly from nose) one second more than original pronounce 'aang' to do gunna.

Now see below examples. For red Ikhfa letters after blue and yellow noon sakin you have to pronounce noon sakin as 'ing-' with gunna slightly from nose sound. Listen below audio to realize how reciter pronouncing Ikhfa.

3) What is Idgham?

If below 6 letters comes after    noon sakin, all those letters have to read with 'tashdid'    , If 

there is no tashdid you have to imagine a tashdid. Four of those ى و م ن have to read with gunna and others two ل  &  ر  have to read without gunna. This rule is called 'Idgham' of noon sakin. See below for more clarification.

Now see in below ayah, blue noon sakin is not present in English spelling, because of 'Idgham' letters (red) came after it. Green letters directly joining red letters. Remember: if anywhere sakin letter comes before tashdid letter, sakin letter will be silent, no need to read sakin letter anymore.

While listening audio concentrate on colored places to realize how reciter pronouncing Idgham with and without gunna.

4) What is Izhar?

If these  ء غ ع خ ح ه  six letters comes after noon sakin   , then pronunciation of noon sakin will be same as it is, no need to change it to anything else. This rule is called 'Izhar' of noon sakin.

Now see below example, For presence of Izhar letter (red), noon sakin (blue) have to pronounce clearly same as noon, like 'n' as 'n', not changing this time to anything else.
